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Parallel Flexures with high resolution and excellent repeatability make Solartron’s Flexure Transducers the frst choice for high speed precision gauging. With no sliding moving parts, the flexure will maintain performance for millions of cycles and are virtually free from hysteresis. Flexures can be mounted such that there is little or no stress through the gauge line enablingprecision profling of moving materials such as rotating shafts, brake discs etc.
  • DUS Parallel Flexure Spring Actuation
    DU - Parallel Flexure

    Parallel Flexures with high resolution and excellent repeatability make Solartron’s Flexure Transducers the frst choice for high speed precision gauging.

  • Orbit Single Leaf Flexure
    DUS –Single Leaf Flexure

    With the same advantages as the parallel flexure the single leaf flexure offers the gauge builder access to even more measurement points. With careful use of extension arms measurements can be made inside slots or between features where a conventional pencil probe cannot reach.

  • DUSM
    DUSM – Mini Flexure

    The Miniature Single Leaf Flexure is another variant of flexure based contact probes. The miniature single leaf flexure has a calibrated range of 0 – 500 microns and provides the means for alternative configurations of contact tip mounting.
